Thursday, February 4, 2021

January 2021

 Welcome to the New Year

This is a Florida sunset


We have lots of wild life around the rig.
We were setting on the patio when my dad spotted
this little critter coming across the water.

This pelican hung around for a couple of days.
The other birds were ticking him off.  They would dive and swim under him.
So he flew up and dove right on top of the other bird.
The bird popped up and was no worse for wear.

My neighbor Sadie

In front of the rig

Some days we have clouds

Bill's sister Mary drove over for a visit.
We were so glad to see her.

Bill Update

We got the results of the CT scan and it was not the news we are used to getting.
The cancer in his lungs have doubled and the cancer in the pancreas is growing and putting pressure on the blood vessels.  This is causing the pancreas to swell and that is putting pressure on the other organs.  He has been put on a steroid to help with apatite, fatigue and maybe some weight gain.  We did not see much of a change so that drug has been doubled.  He was also sent a drug for bloating and gas.  This drug has been a game changer.  He now has an oxygen machine.  I am not sure how often he will use it, but he has one.  He also got a nebulizer.  It is allergy season and he has a lot of drainage in his throat and not enough lung power to cough it up.  They are hoping the nebulizer will help to dry up and break up the mess to make it easier on him to cough it up. 

Congratulations to my hubby for getting his Covid-19 shot and 
having no Sid effects.  

So that is all the news I have.
Thanks so much for the prayers!!

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