Saturday, February 18, 2012

Waiting for Spring

. We have been enjoying our last mild winter in Michigan. 

I believe we have finally mastered the art of the RV battery.  We would still like to unplug the RV from shore power and check the voltage on the batteries after it sets for a couple of days.  If we find a big drop in voltage we will then check the fuses to see which one is the power sucker.

We have done a few things this winter.  On Sunday, February 5th we and about ten other couples renewed our wedding vows.  There were a lot of smiles and tears.  We also took a short honeymoon to Columbus, Ohio with the group.  We missed lunch with our RV Blue Water group and look forward to seeing them in March.

On February 13th the American Culinary Federation Saginaw Valley Chapter held their Chef of the Year banquet at Mott Community College.  The event and food were wonderful.

We are getting closer to retirement as they have posted Bill’s job not once but twice.  Retirement is becoming more real to him now.  He has been helping plan classes for spring where he will be teaching and summer where he will not be teaching. 
Until the next update stay warm, safe and healthy.